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Bloodstone is a variety of opaque chalcedony

Mohs hardness is 6.5 to 7

Chakras: Root

Element: Earth

Strength - Courage - Purification - Vitality

Bloodstone is a great purifier & healing tool for moving negative influences from the auric field. Bloodstone increases vitality, it lends strength to the physical body & help to maintain stamina during extreme difficulty.

Often seen as the stone of the ‘spiritual warrior’.

Bloodstone can prevent you from becoming discouraged when you come up against obstacles.

Stimulating to the liver & endocrine system, helps to balance the hormones & stabilise throughout menopause.

Sage + Soul Bloodstone Healing Bracelet

  • Please measure your wrist in centimeters and let me know your size for the perfect fit. Otherwise, all bracelets are pre-made to comfortably fit a 17.5cm wrist.

  • Bead size is 6mm

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